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The Christmas and New Year period is the perfect time to drag the boat out and hit the water to appreciate our beautiful sunny Queensland.

You certainly will not be the only boat owner to have this thought so please be mindful of all extra boats out on the water. Increased traffic means a higher number of incidents so we ask that you, your family and friends be extra cautious and alert this year.

Here are a few tips to help make your Christmas afloat a safe one:

  • Always ensure there is a charged mobile phone available
  • Have an EPIRB on-board if operating more than 2 nautical miles from land in open waters. Ensure this in date and registered.
  • If drinking, please ensure there is at least 1 designated driver onboard. Police periodically conduct random breath tests in our waters. The blood alcohol limits for recreational skippers is 0.05.
  • Always check the weather forecast before and during your trip. Be prepared for extreme conditions.

From everyone at Oceanic Marine Risks, we wish you all a wonderful festive season.

Enjoy your time on the water this Christmas!
