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Working on marine projects can entail unknown risks. We’ll cover the insurance so you can get on with the job.

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There are a variety of exposures in the Builder’s Risk field. You may be taking part in a small part of the over all process or you may be taking on the entire challenge. You could be building in a dry dock or a shed, repairing specific damage in your own work yard or while the vessel is afloat, and all sorts of other scenarios. Each one would bring it’s own issues for an insurer when looking at the Material risk involved with building something from scratch or re-fitting an older vessel.

Then there are some more complex issues to consider in the event of an incident, such as:

  • What happens if the boat is damaged half way through the project?
  • What happens if the build schedule falls behind and the policy expires part way through?
  • Who is responsible if you hire a contractor who damages the project and your neighbour’s property in the process?
  • What happens if there is a flaw in the design that isn’t noticed until the Boat is finished?

We are experienced with assisting anyone tackling a Boat Build through these issues and more, whether new or old to the process. Please contact us via email or phone to discuss further.